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The Monarch Roll-Out Garden ™ is jam-packed with natives to support not only the Eastern Monarch but other species in the lepidoptera family as well.  This garden will not display any blooms during the spring time, however, you can be assured that all of these plants will be providing nourishment to Lepidoptera larvae (caterpillars) and setting these creatures up for success.  The plants included are Straight-Species meaning that they will spread and self-seed.

With that said, at the end of the season, you can collect the dried seed heads, place them in a ziploc bag with some slightly moist potting mix, place it in the refridgerator for 6-8 weeks and then sow the seeds in trays, containers, or clean milk-jugs.  Use the new starts to plant more around the property or give to friends.  


The gardener may want to consider "Chelsea Chopping" certain plants to encourage a more bushier habitat.  Chelsea chopping is when you prune the top1/3 of your plant back beginning the week of the Chelsea Flower Show in the UK.  This is truly a fun template to learn from with plants that keep on giving.


Size: 6ft Deep X 10ft Long

Soil: Avg Soil

Water: Drought tolerant once established.

Maintenance: Medium

Blooms: Summer - Late Autumn

Perennials: 25 Landscape Ready Plugs

Box includes: All the plants, Bio-degradable Garden Template, Landscaping Pins, and Instructions.


1) Swamp Milkweed       Asclepias incarnata

(5) Butterfly Weed          Asclepias tuberosa

(3) Wild Blue indigo       Baptisia australis

(3) Coneflower                 Echinacea purpurea

(1) Joe Pye Weed            Eutrochium purpureum

(1) Beebalm                       Monarda fistulosa

(3) Black-Eyed Susan    Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa

(3) Praire Dropseed       Sporobolus heterolepsis

(3) Little Bluestem          Schizachyrium scoparium

(1) Mountain Mint           Pycnanthemum muticum

(1) Rattlesnake Master Eryngium yuccifolium


All plants are sold as Landscape Ready Plugs 

Monarch Garden

Excluding Sales Tax
  • Native To:

    The natives in this template are adaptive to the following states:   
    IL, IN, IA, KY, MD, MI, MN, MO, NC, OH, TN, VA, WV, WI, PA, 

  • Pre-Order for Spring Shipping!

    All products purchased from now until April 13, 2025 will be held at our facility until we resume shipping beginning the week of Monday April 14, 2025.

    Given the variable weather conditions during that time, we may delay shipping to your address if deemed necessary to ensure successful arrival of healthy plants.

  • Gift Promise Cards

    The recipient of this gift will be mailed a Gift Promise Card (you'll have to notify the recipient if you want them to wait to open it), and the purchaser will receive an e-mail confirmation upon completion of the purchase.

    The garden kit itself will be mailed in Spring 2025, at the time appropriate for planting in each region.

Ships Early Spring 2025

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