Gardening Tips and Recommendations
Gardeners don't garden out of obligation. Its the feeling of stepping back and taking it all in, its the feeling when neighbors and friends compliment your work, its knowing that you have made an immediate, sustainable impact to the benefit of our environment.
We're here to ensure that every customer of ours reaches these feelings with confidence, satisfaction, and a healthy garden..
Creating a New Garden

Determine Light Intensity
Step 2
Plants evolve in many ways to survive in their environment. When choosing a garden template or plants, it is vital that the light intensities match to what is recommended. Fortunately, there is a free app that will show you the suns trajectory anywhere you use it.
Click the Image to download Suntracker AR

Determine Watering Abilities
Step 4
Prior to choosing a garden template, it is important to review a few factors:
How much time can I devote to watering?
Do I have a water source hook up near by?
Does this site receive any afternoon shade?

Installation Assistance
As one will quickly find out, when it comes to gardening, planting plants is like putting the icing on the cake. The real work is performed way before a plant is pulled from its container. Everyone's situation is different and we can't express enough on how important it is to match plant requirments with actual environmental settings. There is a wealth of information out there and the most reliable place to start is your local Extension Office.
Some folks want the garden without directly installing it which is A-OK! This is a great oppurtunity for your lawn mower, neighbor, child, or friend to help. Garden parties work surprisingly well too!
Should I go Native or Ornamental?
In summation from the National Wildlife Federations article About Native Plants. Native plants are integral to sustainable habitats, having evolved symbiotic relationships with local wildlife. They are defined as species that occur naturally in a region without human intervention. Unlike exotic plants, which may become invasive and detrimental to local ecosystems, native plants are well-adapted to regional soils, moisture, and climate. This adaptation reduces the need for supplemental watering and pest control chemicals. Native plants are also vital in managing rainwater runoff and maintaining healthy soil. In Certified Wildlife Habitats, it's recommended to have 50-70% native plants, which support diverse wildlife by providing food, water, shelter, and breeding grounds without harmful chemicals like neonicotinoids.
Ornamentals are lovely, beautiful, and many contribute positively to our local biomes. We at Ecoplantia believe in the merriment of both ornamental species and native species. As research continues, we pledge to remain at the forefront of developments and to act swiftly in what we offer and stand for.
Division and Propagation
After a couple seasons with your garden, your perennial plants will have grown immensely since they were installed. In the Fall of your gardens second or third year, use a shovel to divide the plant into multiple plants, leaving your desired plant remaining in the soil. You will be able to plant your new pieces elsewhere or give them to a friend.